Nuclear power is often-talked about, but how much do we really know about it? How is nuclear energy kept safe & secure? What measures are put in place to protect citizens today? And what measures need to be put in place tomorrow to ensure greater safety? With these questions in mind, I attempt to explore the ‘3S’ approach to nuclear energy: safety, security & safeguarding, and its implications for Europe.
How can finance better serve our economy, society, and planet? Finance is at the centre of everything. It determines which companies grow, which projects are developed, which innovations come to life, and which values shape our world. Until now, it has been wired to solely focus on profit. Today, the EU is attempting to rewire our financial system to meet the needs of society and planet. What I want to know is… does everyone understand the true meaning of this?
Cracks in democratic institutions are widening all over the globe. Both in Europe and abroad, politics on both sides of the compass are not helping to prevent polarisation – especially in this era of rapid change. As 2020 judders into its last quarter, it’s perhaps a good time to consider how next year will unravel. In this think piece, David Tirr takes a look at what Europe can do to stem the tide of political degradation.
Tackling climate change will require an enormous energy system transformation. Can we afford to say “no” to any technology that reduces CO2 emissions? Is nuclear energy the villain that we often think it to be? As the debate around this continues, the EU’s positioning of nuclear energy in the Taxonomy Regulation–its new classification system for sustainable activities–could make all the difference.